Perfluorosulfonic acid (PFSA)-Proton exchange membrane N117 (300mmx300mm)


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Perfluorosulfonic acid (PFSA)-Proton exchange membrane
Price 21500+18%GST = 25370 INR
HSN: 39219099
Product details are given below

3 in stock


Membrane Type: N117
Size: 300 mm x 300 mm
Thickness: 183 µm
Weight: 360 g/m2
Tensile Strength: 30 MPa (Test Method: ASTM D882)
Tensile Modulus: 420 MPa (Test Method: ASTM D882)
Elongation at break : 200%
Specific Gravity: 1.98
Conductivity: 0.1 S/cm (Test Method: GB/T  20042.3-2022)
Acid Capacity: 1±0.05 meq/g (Test Method: 20042.3-2022)
Water Content: 5.0±3.0 % (Test Method: ASTM D570)
Water Uptake: 50±5.0 (Test Method: ASTM D570)


To read more about PFSA Membrane please visit the link below: